Bicycle Accident Claims
If you have been in an accident and suffered an injury as a cyclist in Queensland, either riding on the road or on a footpath, you may be eligible to claim compensation.
What can I claim compensation for if I have been involved in a cycling accident?
Depending on the circumstances of your cycling accident, you may be able to claim compensation for:
- Medical and hospital expenses
- Loss of work or wages
- Pain and suffering
- Assistance you have need at home after the accident.
Once we know all the facts surrounding your injury suffered while cycling, we can properly advise you on what compensation you could claim. Generally speaking, claimants will seek to be compensated for any deficiency between where they were going to be in life before the cycling injury and where they will now end up following the injury.
Are there time limits?
Generally the time limit is three (3) years; however, in certain situations, this time may be extended. Other time limits also apply for the commencement of the Claim.
Its important you obtain professional advice as soon as possible following your cycling injury.
How much compensation can I receive if making a claim for a cycling injury in Queensland?
The amount of compensation you can claim for following a cycling accident really depends on the magnitude of your injuries and the impact they have, and will have, on your life. No two cases are exactly the same. In order to provide an indication of how much compensation could be sought requires an understanding of:
- Your age;
- What your injuries are;
- How bad your injuries are;
- Whether you in some way contributed to the injuries being caused;
- How much you have, or will lose in wages;
- How much you have needed or will need in future; and
- Any amounts you have had to pay out of your own pocket.
How long does it take to make a claim if injured as a cyclist in Queensland?
The length of time it takes to complete your claim for compensation depends on a number of factors including:
- What your injuries are;
- How long it takes them to stabalise;
- The complexity of your case;
- Usually minor claims can be completed within 9-12 months;
- More complex cases can take upwards of 18 months.
When first speaking with one of our Lawyers, you will be given a good idea of how long your claim is likely to take.